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우리의 온라인 과정 제공
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Please note that some of the items listed below are just different payment options for the same course offering. Please choose the one that suits you!
If you are having trouble registering for a course, please reach out to us and a member of our team will help you complete the process!
제공 서비스
- 온라인 예약 가능자세히 보기
A study of what might be the propulsion mechanisms behind some UAP with physicist Dr. Matt Szydagis.
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- 온라인 예약 가능자세히 보기
A study of the scientific investigation of UAP with astrophysicist Dr. Massimo Teodorani.
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- 온라인 예약 가능자세히 보기
A philosophical exploration of first-person UAP experiences with Dr. Kimberly Engels.
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일수 불러오는 중...
- 자세히 보기
his course traces the emergence and continued subsistence of the UFO phenomenon in American culture.
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일수 불러오는 중...