I recently got access to the Google AI tool called "Bard" and have had fun playing with it. It is just one of the now AI agents like Alexa, ChatGPT and others appearing in our world today. The trend is now towards use of AI in helping us in ways we previously never imagined. These tools while not "fool proof" do

have some accuracy and are perceived to be beneficial by many.
I decided to give Bard a challenge question.
What significance can AARO play in solving the UAP without having a cross-government approach to study the phenomena?
This was Bard's response...
The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) is a new office within the United States Department of Defense that is tasked with investigating unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). AARO was created in response to the growing public interest in UAP, and the increasing number of reports of UAP sightings by military personnel.
AARO is a significant step forward in the government's efforts to understand UAP. The office has a broad mandate, and it is authorized to collect and analyze data from a variety of sources. AARO is also authorized to coordinate with other government agencies, including the Intelligence Community, the Federal Aviation Administration, and NASA.
However, AARO cannot solve the mystery of UAP without a cross-government approach. UAP sightings have been reported by people from all walks of life, and they have occurred in all parts of the world. In order to fully understand UAP, it is necessary to collect data from a variety of sources, and to coordinate with experts from a variety of fields.
AARO is a good start, but it is just one piece of the puzzle. In order to solve the mystery of UAP, we need to have a cross-government approach that brings together experts from all relevant fields.
I was pleasantly surprised that it new about AARO and while the response reads well, it did not provide many specific details about the organization such as noting which part of the DoD AARO is under, or by what authority does it have access to going outside of the DoD placement for coordination.
Further, it was in my view quite accurate about the need for a broader view than just the US agencies to study this phenomena. While this broader view would be beneficial, it was clear from the April 18th 2023 Senate Intelligence Committee hearing that data sources with multiple sensory systems would yield the results that they are seeking, meaning that reports made by the general public which are typically anecdotal and possibly include crude photos would not be studied. He alluded to the increased use of military platforms with better capabilities would be made available.
AI tools are only as good as the data and information it has access to. As mentioned in a previous blog, I question whether AI can sift through the mounds of incorrect and incomplete information to provide us an accurate depiction of the phenomena, at least at present. I do, however believe that it is only a few years away and we will all be surprised at what this and other tools will be able to generate for the benefit of humanity and especially us UAP researchers.